Sunday, November 13, 2011

How long sperm survive.

Want to get pregnant fast? Need a bit of knowledge as follows. Please note that the sperm cells produced by the testes. Sperm quality affects egg pregnancies produce faster and better. When a man ejaculates and releases sperm, how long sperm can survive this?

Depending on many factors, but the important thing is where the sperm is located. On a dry surface such as on clothing or bed linen, sperm cells will die soon so that seminal fluid (sperm) dry.

While in water, such as in the warm pool or bath tub, aged sperm can live much longer because they can survive in warm or wet environments. However, the possibility of sperm cells to swim and get into the female reproductive tract is very small.

Meanwhile in the body of a woman, sperm can live for up to five days depending on certain conditions, such as the acidity of the vagina. Therefore, although sexual relations without contraception are not in the fertile period, there remains the possibility of pregnancy occurring during sperm cell is alive.

What about knowledge? Hopefully get satisfactory results.

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