Monday, February 6, 2012

started a career

It was pretty awkward when discussing a new career at the age now, because it should have been long planned.
This is a dream, can have their own business, but the pitfalls are, "capital", is meant here is more capital in the form of the material is pressed into the capital.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Support the healthy development of your baby's immune system without the risk?

What can you do to support the healthy development of your baby's immune system without the risk?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Signs of labor

Signs of labor. Female companions this time the author would like try to explain about the signs of labor. Now this writer is facing an accidental pregnancy to two pregnancies, what want to give birth..? Simultaneously, the muscles of the uterus begin to shrink and stretching movements alternately, constantly regularly. Muscle movements such as the uterus are called the contraction.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Whether the influence of alcohol for our brains?

How will alcohol have all completely different the various} effects on people? completely different neurotransmitters have different effects on the brain. Endorphins are a category of neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers brain.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Way of working between right brain and left brain

The right brain controls the left side of the body and the left brain controls the right side of the body. The right brain is more creative or emotional hemisphere and the left brain is analytical and judgmental hemisphere. Everything that is new or not familiar to an individual is right brain dominant. Whatever the familiar left-brain dominant.Along with right-and left-brain there are different parts of the brain. The frontal lobe controls your personality, temporal lobe deals with short-and long-term memory, the parietal lobe is a lobe of the hand, and occipital lobes, the very back of the head, controls vision.

There are certain activities that can stimulate the right brain or left.

Activities that stimulate the left brain are solving crossword puzzles or word searches, the performance of learning tasks, the use of language, both comprehensive and expressive, analytical information, problem solving, and remembering new information. Activities that stimulate the right brain are emotional issues, the creative process, a list of memorized remember, every foreign events or activities, and holds the attention span. View or feelings of different sizes, see the different colors, attention exercises involving time, seeing strange faces, and meet someone new also stimulate the right brain ..

You are not dead until your brain is dead. Your brain needs two things to survive: fuel and activation. Fuel comes in the form of oxygen and glucose. That is - breathe twice as long as you breathe in.

One example is a large letter composed of small letters. If you see small letters you will fire right brain to left brain. If you see the big letters you will fire the left brain to right brain.

Auditory stimulation (listening to nature sounds, clicks of a metronome, or Mozart in the primary key) in the left ear appears through the brain stem to the right brain

Monday, November 21, 2011

what to avoid future pregnancies?

Health throughout pregnancy is vital. this is often as a result of you not solely care concerning your health, however additionally concerning your unborn kid. several things are a foul influence and defects in their youngsters. unhealthy habits like smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse can seriously endanger the lifetime of the fetus. As a pregnant girl, you would like to play the role of guardian if you are doing not wish to regret within the future. Poor health in pregnancy isn't solely as a result of the on top of, it'll happen if you fail to watch healthy practices described below. the following tips can assist you produce happy experiences throughout your pregnancy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Milk and yogurt before bed

Difficulty sleeping at night? Many ways that you apparently do not help your problems sleep difficulties. Maybe there is something wrong with your food consumption? You try to watch about the food you consume. Here are some foods that might be has not thought about by you, which can help improve your sleep quality.